5+ Steps to an Independent Toddler.

With baby donk #2 planning her arrival in early April (AH! still working on that blog post!) we discussed some of the tasks that we can work on between now and then to help Harper be a bit more independent! She loves to do things on her own and help me in any way that she can. I know she’s going to be the best big sister.

With that being said, I also know that my personal overwhelm will be real when we have a newborn and a 4 year old who wants to “help.” So I thought that working on some tasks that Harper can do for herself that will actually help me would be the best of both worlds.

Dressing herself. Pretty self explanatory but can we just say a prayer for my sanity with this one? She also wants to pick out her own clothes now so we’ve reached that point in life.

Nighttime Potty Training. We needed a break between buying pull-ups and buying diapers.

Getting herself into her carseat and clip herself in. She can totally climb into her seat on her own but hasn’t quite mastered the bottom clip just yet. A friend recommended just leaving the house 20 minutes early for car trips and letting her practice. I will say that she is a VERY good listener when it comes to safety so she understands that she must be clipped in, stay clipped in, and is not to touch her clips until I give her the all clear. So this was a judgement call for us. I think it also goes without saying that I’ll still check her clips before we start the car but it would be super helpful if she could get in and sort herself out while I’m getting the baby locked and loaded.

Listening. HAHAHAH JK she’s a kid, mine to be specific so she’ll probably never do this perfectly.

Clearing her plate after dinner. This is a bit more of a chore but we felt like it was an important one to be sure she understands. Gimme all the helpers.

Making her bed. Again with a chore but I find that I feel like we have our shit lives together when the beds are made. It’s a small thing but a huge thing at the same time. Even if it’s not perfect- it’ll feel good. Also, BeddyBeds are goals! Have you seen them?! This would make this task SO simple!

Quiet time. This is a tough one for us because Harper wants to be entertained or played with 24/7. She craves our attention all the time and honestly I have such a love/hate relationship it (go on and judge me, IDC). Being constantly entertained isn’t a reasonable expectation in life so it’s something we’re working on but have not found our rhythm yet. But the point it to teach her how to play quietly for a little while each day. We shall see.

Snack Attack! Any one else’s kid ask for snacks ALL DAY LONG? I wanted to make a quick and easy way for Harper to be able to grab a healthy snack (after asking, of course) on her own! I cleared a space on the bottom shelf of the pantry for a little basket and then filled it with Apple Sauce packets, Kids Lara Bars, Craisins, and a few other healthy but quick options. I also plan to do the same for fresh fruit, veggies and a water cup that she can help herself to. Maybe in the bottom drawer/shelf of the fridge! Thanks to Lisa for reminding me of these last two clutch tips!! <3

So that’s what’s going on over here! Do you have any suggestions of other things we can do to help her be more independent?! Put them in the comments and help a sister out!

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