8 months of Paige Stevie

With each baby time seems to go faster and faster. I still feel like Paige is a newborn but she’s nearly 9 months old!

Let’s do a little Paige snapshot for the memory books.

E A T I N G.

Paige has been eating solids since about 6 months. We were in no rush and decided to do baby led weaning (what a terrible name) with a little spoon feeding from time to time. I’m no expert in the baby department but after three babies we have a few things that we’ve learned along the way. Right now she’s happy to eat her food right off of her high chair tray and will eat with us at each meal plus a snack after her afternoon nap. She basically makes it her mission to throw a bowl if I even try putting one down so we abandoned that idea. We use the Ikea high chair because I can take it outside and hose it off. Literally nothing better than keeping it simple when it comes to a highchair. Her favorites are crackers, blueberries, smashing avocados in her fist + smacking the table, and putting banana in her hair. Somehow we completely missed the preferred window to introduce a bottle and now she has zero interest so we’re still exclusively breastfeeding.

After three babies and three completely different feeding journeys, I feel like I can write a book on our experience. Maybe I’ll at least write a blog post.

S L E E P I N G.

Sleep has been a little all over the place but we settled into a bit of a routine around 15ish weeks. I look for sleep signs, consider wake windows, and basically follow her cues. Now she goes to bed about 7p and wakes up around 6:30-7a. Most nights she wakes up once to nurse but its never consistent, sometimes its 11p and sometimes its 5a. Either way, I don’t really mind. Perspective is everything and knowing she’s my last makes it a little easier to wake up and find the joy in sitting quietly with her for 10 minutes.

She naps twice a day for about a hour sometimes two. She’s my most flexible babe and will nap in her stroller or in the car without it disrupting our routine too badly.

D O I N G.

Paige took her time to roll, had no interest in sitting at first but got the hang of army crawling. Now she’s sitting, pulling herself up and I feel like overnight she just started cruising around. I am in no hurry to have a walker but she has a lot of motivation to follow her sisters around. Pray for me.

S A Y I N G.

Lucky for me she said Momma first, screeches with the best of them (she picked up on the need to be heard prettttty quickly), and started saying Dadda recently which was the sweetest thing. She is a really content baby, happiest to be touching me, and finally stopped screaming when I put her down. Hallelujah.

L O V I N G.

Paige loves her sisters! She has gotten really good at letting them know what she wants (and doesn’t want- like 15 toys stacked on her highchair while she’s sitting in it). She loves when the girls do things to make her laugh, she LOVES our dog Stella, and really loves grabbing your straw while you’re drinking from it. She absolutely loves to bounce when I’m holding her in front of me and her little face just lights up when she really gets going. It’s hilarious.

We are headed into birthday season for all three of the girls which means we’ll be planning her first birthday before we know it! I wish time would slow down so I could keep her little for longer.

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  1. Omggg stop it! I love this and you and Paige. Haven is so similar. We need to get these little girls together.

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